Hospitalist medicine is rapidly gaining acceptance in the U.S., but unless you’ve recently been in the hospital, you may not be familiar with it yet. Below are some of the questions we’re most frequently asked about how hospitalists work.

I’ve never heard of hospitalists. Is this something new?

The concept of hospitalist medicine has existed in Europe and Canada for decades. In the U.S. it started in the late 1990s in California where it quickly gained traction on the west coast.

In 1999 Central Florida Hospitalist Partners introduced the concept to Central Florida hospitals and has been instrumental in setting the standards for hospitalist care.

Every day more hospitals, insurers, primary care physicians and, most importantly patients, recognize the benefits hospitalists provide, so you can expect to see the trend of specialized hospital care continuing to grow.

Who chooses my hospitalist?

Each hospital has its own team of hospitalist physicians who work in their facility. Depending on the length of your hospitalization, you will see one or possibly two hospitalists who will care for you for the duration of your stay.

If my family wants to speak with my doctor, should I send them to my hospitalist or my primary care doctor?

While you are in the hospital, your hospitalist will have the most current information and also is likely to be more accessible than your primary care doctor.
Will my insurance cover the hospitalist’s fees?

While the amount of coverage will depend on your individual health insurance plan, hospitalist’s fees are usually covered. Rest assured your hospitalist will provide the same high level of compassionate care regardless of your insurance.

Did we answer your question? If not, feel free to contact us. Central Florida Hospitalist Partners is your trusted source for accurate information on hospitalists!